Generate mkdocs documentation from Azure Pipelines yaml files.
When managing a large repository of pipeline template files, it can be difficult to keep track of what each template does and how to use it. This plugin aims to make it easier to document pipeline templates by generating markdown documentation from the template files themselves and adding it to a mkdocs site.
- Establish a syntax for title, about, example, outputs etc.
- Create a Python script which can process a pipeline template and output a markdown file.
- In Progress: Convert to a real installable markdown extensions for mkdocs and publish to PyPi.
- Generate puml diagrams for the template which take conditions and expressions into consideration.
- Make the plugin document parameters based on the actual pipeline code, no need to use parameters-start and parameters-end tags.
- Make the plugin document outputs based on the actual pipeline code, no need to use outputs-start and outputs-end tags/section.
- Support different syntaxes for parameters i.e both with and without "name" and "type" keys.
- Handle syntax errors gracefully with clear error messages.
- Make the plugin work with any Azure Pipeline yaml file, not just templates. This means parsing variables, pool, trigger, resources etc.
The idea is to use some kind of syntax to indicate what should be documented. This syntax should be easy to read and write, and should be able to be used in a way that doesn't break the pipeline. For simplicity the "marker"/"tag" will have a start point, end point and an identifier. The identifier will be used to determine what to do with the text between the start and end points. All text between the start and end points will be treated as markdown.
The following example shows how the syntax could look to document a pipeline template and what the resulting markdown would look like.
# pytest-step.yml
# Pytest pipeline step template
# This pipeline template is used to run pytest.
# steps:
# - template: pip-build-and-publish-step.yml@templates
# parameters:
# python_version: '3.6'
# **encouraging_message**: A message to encourage the user.
- name: python_version # The version of Python to use.
type: string
- name: encouraging_message # The message to output.
type: string
default: "You look great today!"
- task: UsePythonVersion@0
versionSpec: ${{ parameters.python_version }}
addToPath: true
architecture: "x64"
- bash: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
displayName: "Install dependencies"
- bash: |
pip install pytest pytest-azurepipelines
displayName: "Run pytest"
- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=encouraging_message, isOutput=true]${{ parameters.encouraging_message }}"
displayName: "Output encouraging message"
name: output_encouraging_message
Would result in the following markdown when processed by the plugin:
# Pytest pipeline step template
This pipeline template is used to run pytest.
## Parameters
- name: python_version # The version of Python to use.
type: string
- name: encouraging_message # The message to output.
type: string
default: "You look great today!"
## Outputs
**encouraging_message**: A message to encourage the user.
## Example
- template: pip-build-and-publish-step.yml@templates
python_version: "3.6"
## Code
- task: UsePythonVersion@0
versionSpec: ${{ parameters.python_version }}
addToPath: true
architecture: "x64"
- bash: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
displayName: "Install dependencies"
- bash: |
pip install pytest pytest-azurepipelines
displayName: "Run pytest"
- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=encouraging_message, isOutput=true]You look great today!"
displayName: "Output encouraging message"
name: output_encouraging_message
Which would result in the following when built
Development is done with PDM, using tox as a task runner for testing, formatting, linting and pre-commit hooks. Python 3.10 or higher is required.
# Linux/MacOS
curl -sSL | python3 -
# Windows
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
# clone the repository
# cd into the repository
pdm install
Alternatively if you want to save some time and only intend to run tox you can install only the dev group of dependencies with
pdm install -G dev
3. Run tests, linting and formatting checks, pre-commit hooks, type checking as well as building the package
pdm run tox
It's also possible to run the tasks in parallel using the -p
flag, significantly reducing the time it takes to run the tasks.
pdm run tox -p
If in VSCode, you can use the
Tasks: Run Build Task
) command from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P
) to run tox in parallel mode.
If you want to be sure that your code is properly formatted and linted before committing, you can install the pre-commit hooks.
pdm run pre-commit install
This will stop you from committing if the code is not properly formatted or linted.
Alternatively you can run the tasks separately using the provided PDM scripts.
# Seperately
pdm run format
pdm run lint
pdm run typecheck
pdm run test
# Or all at once
pdm run all