Prattle is a simple chat program written in C++11, using SFML's networking module (http://www.sfml-dev.org) and TGUI (https://tgui.eu) for the GUI.
Prattle has three components - Prattle-Server, Prattle-Client and Prattle-Server-Controller. Since Prattle follows a single server, multiclient architecture, the usage of the server and client involves running Prattle-Server on a, well, server, with OPEN_PORT (which is by default 19999) being set to a port cabable of listening for incoming connections. Then multiple clients can connect to it by getting access to the server's address. Multiple Prattle-Servers running on different hosts run independently of each other, i.e., no inter-server communication is possible. The Prattle-Server can be controlled remotely or on the same machine using Prattle-Server-Controller. The server controller features a bunch of shell like commands to manipulate the server and connected clients.
Currently, the features supported are:
- Registration (Username and password)
- Login
- Chatting in pairs (with multiple persons)
- Adding Friends
- Simple Notifications (for unread messages)
- Online Statuses
- Autologin (aka Remember Me facility)
For the details about the communication protocols we use, take a look at the network documentation.
We have not yet started with the security layer, so it's NOT recommended at that Prattle be used for IM communication at this stage!
Prattle conists of three separate CMake scripts for building Prattle-Server
and Prattle-Server-Controller
Build pre-requisites:
- C++11 compliant compiler
- SFML-2.3.x or greater
- TGUI-0.7.x or greater
$ git clone https://github.com/TheIllusionistMirage/Prattle
$ cd Prattle/Server
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
An executable called prattle-server
will be generated by the makefile.
$ cd ../../
$ cd Client
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
An executable called prattle-client
will be generated by the makefile.
$ cd ../../
$ cd Server-Controller
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
An executable called prattle-server-controller
will be generated by the makefile.
Prattle is licensed under the MIT License.
You can view our LONG to-do list and Prattle's development status on Trello.