=============================================================================== PONG with SFML - Copyright (c) 2015 Sebastian 'SeriousITGuy' Brack This source code is distributed under the ZLIB/PNG license. See license.txt for more information. =============================================================================== Pong clone written in C++14 with SFML 2.3.2 Build with Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 7 and with CLion 2016.1 / GCC 5.2 on Ubuntu 15.10 =============================================================================== Annotations: Only Player vs Computer is available at the moment. Player vs Player and Computer vs Computer will be available in a later version. Console output in debug build is very verbose atm, which is intended. Release build is more quiet regarding console output. =============================================================================== Controls in menus: Use Up / Down / Enter to move and select menu entries Controls in game: Up : Move paddle up Down : Move paddle down ESC : Go to pause screen F12 : Capture screenshot In debug build the following controls are enabled: F1 : Toggle debug info display F2 : Toggle ball movement F3 : Toggle single frame mode F4 : Advance one frame in single frame mode (does nothing if not in single frame mode) F5 : Instantly win the game to move to game over screen F6 : Instantly loose the game to move to game over screen =============================================================================== Changelog: Build 14: - Added CMake support - Added fixes for GCC compiler Build 13: - Added base entity class with debug drawing capabilities - Added 'Restart' option to pause state - Added date time functions to core - Screenshot's now include date and time in file names, no overwriting anymore - Added timestamp to log system - Refactored collision model and physics handling - Removed 'add friction on collision', new reflection model is being worked on - Removed unnecessary fonts Build 12: - changed game entities from OpenGL primitives to real graphics - Heavily tweaked logging system - Added graphical debug system BUILD 11: - Minor game changes - Completely isolated core framework code from game code BUILD 10: - Added logging system to core framework - Added credit state ( Main Menu -> Credits ) BUILD 6: - Added StateStack to support multiple game states - Added TitleState and MenuState BUILD 2: - First playable prototype ===============================================================================