This is an image processor that stitches two images together. It does this by looking at the RGB values and determining the most cost-efficient route from the upper left to the bottom right corner.
To install, download the directory and install apache ant. A quick Google search and "Running" will help you further.
You can run this project by using Apache Ant 1.9.6, this version was used for testing. To run this on two images, you have to use following command:
ant run -Dimg1=PATH_TO_FILE/img1.png -Dimg2=PATH_TO_FILE/img2.png
I suggest you use .png or .jpg files, as I'm not sure what other file types you can use. Following arguments are also possible:
-Doffsetx=X_OFFSET -Doffsety=Y_OFFSET
These offsets affect the second image. For example: if offsety is negative, the second image will be moved upward, and if offsetx is positive, the second image will be moved to the right.
- Professors@KULeuven - initial work
- Wh1spr - Making it do what it's supposed to do - Wh1spr
I do not condone any form of plagiarism. If you use this project to make the same assignment you are putting yourself at risk.