Primary LanguagePython

Codes and Datas for Paper

Cascade Context-oriented Spatio-temporal Attention Network for Efficient and Fine-grained Video-grounded Dialogues



The project requires the following:

  • PyTorch (version 1.9.0 or higher): The project was tested on PyTorch 1.10.0 with CUDA 11.1 support.
  • Transformers (version 4.15.0 or higher): The project was tested on Transformers 4.15.0.
  • Python packages: Additional Python packages specified in the requirements.txt file are necessary.

Install the package requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

You need to obtain necessary datasets and features.

Audio-Visual Scene-Aware Dialog (AVSD) dataset

Step 1: Download the original videos

You can download the original videos of AVSD (from Charades video dataset) for feature extraction from the below link:

Charades videos

In our experiments, we place the downloaded videos into data/Charades_videos folder.

Step 2: Extract video features from videos

You can extract the features on your own using the provided script located in the data directory:

python data\extract_frame_feature.py

This script extracts the patch features from video frames using Vision Transformer (ViT-B/16) from CLIP. Make sure the video are stored in data/Charades_videos folder. And the extracted video features will be stored in data/Charades_ViT-B16 folder, with the format of video_id.npy files.

DVD: a Diagnostic Dataset for Video-grounded Dialogues

Please refer to official repo to prepare video-grounded dialogues and original videos for feature extraction, as follows:

DVD dataset


With your environment set up and data ready, you can start training the model. To begin training, run the train_COSTA.py script located in the root directory.

python train_COSTA.py

You can also specify hyperparameters in the command line, as follows:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train_COSTA.py --train_set=data/AVSD/train_set4DSTC7-AVSD.json \
        --valid_set=data/AVSD/valid_set4DSTC7-AVSD.json \
        --include_caption=caption \
        --model=out_models/COSTA/ \
        --v_fea_dir=data/Charades_ViT-B16/ \
        --nb_blocks=2 \
        --d_model=512 \
        --d_ff=2048 \
        --att_h=8 \
        --dropout=0.1 \
        --top_k=2 \
        --top_j=12 \
        --T=2 \
        --num_epochs=10 \
        --batch_size=32 \
        --max_length=64 \
        --max_history_length=5 \
        --report_interval=10 \
        --warmup_steps=9600 \

Make sure to modify the train_set, valid_set, model and v_fea_dir parameters in the command above to match the locations where you have stored the downloaded data and features.

The trained model will be stored in out_models/COSTA/ folder.


After completing model training, you can run the test_COSTA.py script to evaluate the performance of COSTA on the testset.

python test_COSTA.py

You can also specify hyperparameters in the command line, as follows:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 test_COSTA.py --test_set=data/AVSD/test_set4DSTC7-AVSD.json \
        --model_conf=out_models/COSTA/.conf \
        --model=out_models/COSTA/_best \
        --maxlen=20 \
        --beam=5 \
        --penalty=1.0 \
        --nbest=5 \
        --output=out_models/COSTA/generated_results.json \
        --decode_style=beam_search \
        --undisclosed_only=1 \

Make sure to modify the test_set, model_conf, model, output and labeled_test parameters in the command above to match the locations where you have stored the trained model and the store location of the result.

After running the test script, you will obtain the evaluation result file, out_models/COSTA/generated_results.json. The scripts for evaluating results on standard metrics are in the folder eval_metric/, and please refer to eval_metric/README.md for evaluation.

Comparision with LLM-based methods

Please refer to the released codes of LLM-based methods.

Video-ChatGPT, Video Chat, Video-LLaMA, LLaMA Adapter

To enhance the performance of these LLM-based methods, please insert our Cascade Spatio-temporal Attention network (Seg_Sele and Reg_Sele class) and Memory Distillation-inspired Iterative Visual-textural Cross-attention (ITAM class) into their original models. Then download their original video instruction tuning data to perform further video instruction tuning.

Evaluation Results

  • Evaluation results of baselines and COSTA on the test set of AVSD@DSTC7 and AVSD@DSTC8 benchmarks.

  • Evaluation results on the test set of DVD.

  • Evaluation results of human evaluation on the test set of AVSD@DSTC7.

  • Performance of LLM-based and their COSTA-enhanced models on Video-based Text Generation Performance Benchmarking