
Static vs. Interactive Widget Roles - Ensuring Proper Functionality in ARIA

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Static vs. Interactive Widget Roles - Ensuring Proper Functionality in ARIA

On March 1, 2017, "Static vs. Interactive Widget Roles - Ensuring Proper Functionality in ARIA" was presented at the 32nd CSUN Assistive Technology Conference in San Diego, California.

Reference: http://www.csun.edu/cod/conference/2017/sessions/index.php/public/presentations/view/414

The session, "Static vs. Interactive Widget Roles - Ensuring Proper Functionality in ARIA", included an accompanying outline plus interactive presentation materials to illustrate key concepts, all of which may be found within this archive.

Distributed under the terms of the Open Source Initiative OSI - MIT License.

Developed and maintained by: Bryan Garaventa https://www.linkedin.com/in/bgaraventa Or on Twitter at https://twitter.com/bryanegaraventa

Co-presenter: Terri Fellers - Director of Accessibility Services at SSB BART Group Available on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terri-fellers-9828652a/ Or on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/gorble1216

Live pages:

1 Static Roles: https://whatsock.github.io/csun-2017/1%20Static%20Roles.htm

2 Pseudo Interactive Roles: https://whatsock.github.io/csun-2017/2%20Pseudo%20Interactive%20Roles.htm

3 Simple and Complex Interactive Roles: https://whatsock.github.io/csun-2017/3%20Simple%20and%20Complex%20Interactive%20Roles.htm

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