
Rails 6 in Docker for Mini Apps

Primary LanguageRuby


A docker setup for a simple Rails 6 Application running with postgres. I've set it up to work with Bootstrap as well as described on my blog Bootstrap 5 with Rails 6 To be used to spin up mini apps for testing.

The base application was create (with minor tweaks) from a Nick Janetakis blog post - Dockerizing Ruby Tutorial

Local setup

Prepare environment, for dev version you can use the example environment:

$ cp env-example .env Start the server:

$ docker-compose up --build Browse http://localhost:8010

You will need to set up the rails database:

$ docker­-compose run --­­user "$(id ­-u):$(id -­g)" sandbox rake db:reset $ docker­-compose run --­­user "$(id ­-u):$(id -­g)" sandbox rake db:migrate

Working with Rails in docker

All you commands need to be prefixed with docker­-compose run --user "$(id ­-u):$(id -­g)" sandbox eg. to get the console up docker­-compose run --­­user "$(id ­-u):$(id -­g)" sandbox rails c

Production image

Prepare production environment, set you production values:

$ cp env-example .env Build an image:

nginx: http server $ docker build --build-arg USER_ID=$(id -u) --build-arg GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -t $DOCKER_USERNAME/dockerizing-ruby-nginx:latest -f Dockerfile.nginx .