
Minimal rails in Docker setup for rapid mini-project setup

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails in Docker with Webpacker

This is an installation of Rails 5.2 running in a Ruby 2.4.9 Docker container. Webpacker has been added so I can experiment with javascript handling using webpack rather than asset pipeline.

There are a few starter branches:

  1. Master - A Rails 5.2 install with webpacker and cucumber-bdd. This is a good starting point for spinning up functional rails apps with BDD
  2. plain-ror - A simple rails 5.2 install
  3. webpacker - This has webpacker installed from the Gemfile so that I can see the changes in how javascript is handled
  4. cucumber-bdd - The rails 5.2 install with the addition of rspec, cucumber, factory-bot and database-cleaner for BDD testing. The setup follows the following instruction from Semaphore.

And an increasing number of mini-app test branches:

  1. namespaced-event-article -
  2. polymorphic-namespaced - polymorphic item-references with implementation in Articles only. Uses accepts_nested_attributes_for to handle creation of new item references within an article.
  3. polymorphic-validations - Handles the creation of item_references in a more manual fashion in order to ensure uniqueness validation.

Initial Setup:

  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up
  • In a separate terminal docker-compose run web rake db:create

Working with Docker


The bundle install action has been extracted away from the Dockerfile as this greatly enhances efficiency of the build process. The gemfile is now checked at docker-compose up stage. Therefore whenever you make a change to the gems you should take the containers down with docker-compose down and bring them back up with docker-compose up.

Running Tests

  • Run all tests with: docker-compose run web bundle exec rake