
Makers Week 2 - Solo weekend challenge

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Takeaway Challenge

Context of challenge

This is the Makers weekend challenge to be completed at the end of week 2. The focus this week has been on class extraction and mocking with RSpec. Both of these featured heavily in the challenge but it was also the first time we attempted to work with an API.

By the end of week 2 all Makers developers can:

  • Use all of week 1's skills (don't underestimate the importance of this)
  • Break one class into two classes that work together, while maintaining test coverage
  • Unit test classes in isolation using mocking
  • Explain some basic OO principles and tie them to high level concerns (e.g. ease of change)
  • Review another person's code and give them meaningful feedback

Progress update

User story status:

  • I would like to see a list of dishes with prices
  • I would like to be able to select some number of several available dishes
  • I would like to check that the total I have been given matches the sum of the various dishes in my order
  • I would like to receive a text such as "Thank you! Your order was placed and will be delivered before 18:52" after I have ordered

Comments on approach

I had limited time this weekend and then spent too long trying to get my head around mocking. Rather than using the rest of the time working on hashes to get a subtotal etc I thought it would be best to focus on the twilio api to get a functioning text message service.

This was quite a struggle and involved fathoming out how to use ENV variables and the API with test numbers. In the end I looked to others to see how to wrap the Twilio API into a class MSchmidt19 and SimoneSmith.

IRB Test

Here's the IRB test text file:

 irb                                                                                                                             ✔  17:17:16
2.5.0 :001 > require './lib/restaurant'
 => true
2.5.0 :002 > cafe = Restaurant.new
 => #<Restaurant:0x00007fb25950da08 @menu=#<Menu:0x00007fb25950d9e0 @starters={"poppadoms"=>0.99, "chutney"=>0.55, "chana dal"=>4.99, "secret samosa"=>2.5}, @mains={"tikka masala"=>7.5, "rogan josh"=>7.89, "saag aloo"=>5.45}, @full_menu={"poppadoms"=>0.99, "chutney"=>0.55, "chana dal"=>4.99, "secret samosa"=>2.5, "tikka masala"=>7.5, "rogan josh"=>7.89, "saag aloo"=>5.45}>, @order=#<Order:0x00007fb25950d940 @menu=#<Menu:0x00007fb25950d9e0 @starters={"poppadoms"=>0.99, "chutney"=>0.55, "chana dal"=>4.99, "secret samosa"=>2.5}, @mains={"tikka masala"=>7.5, "rogan josh"=>7.89, "saag aloo"=>5.45}, @full_menu={"poppadoms"=>0.99, "chutney"=>0.55, "chana dal"=>4.99, "secret samosa"=>2.5, "tikka masala"=>7.5, "rogan josh"=>7.89, "saag aloo"=>5.45}>, @basket=[], @total=0>>
2.5.0 :003 > cafe.select("poppadoms")
 => ["poppadoms"]
2.5.0 :004 > cafe.select("secret samosa")
 => ["poppadoms", "secret samosa"]
2.5.0 :005 > cafe.select("saag aloo")
 => ["poppadoms", "secret samosa", "saag aloo"]
2.5.0 :006 > cafe.show_basket
 => ["poppadoms", "secret samosa", "saag aloo"]
2.5.0 :007 > cafe.delete("saag aloo")
 => "saag aloo"
2.5.0 :008 > cafe.show_basket
 => ["poppadoms", "secret samosa"]
2.5.0 :010 > cafe.complete_order

Outstanding tasks

  • I haven't completed user story 3 so need to work through the totalling of the order.
  • I haven't amended the call to the twilio API to take a custom message body either.
  • I started with two menus, @starters and @mains before merging them so I could avoid the unintended complexity. I'd like to put these out to csv files so I can load them in and use them as originally intended.

Takeaway Challenge - Original README

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  • Challenge time: rest of the day and weekend, until Monday 9am
  • Feel free to use google, your notes, books, etc. but work on your own
  • If you refer to the solution of another coach or student, please put a link to that in your README
  • If you have a partial solution, still check in a partial solution
  • You must submit a pull request to this repo with your code by 9am Monday morning


  • Fork this repo
  • Run the command 'bundle' in the project directory to ensure you have all the gems
  • Write a Takeaway program with the following user stories:
As a customer
So that I can check if I want to order something
I would like to see a list of dishes with prices

As a customer
So that I can order the meal I want
I would like to be able to select some number of several available dishes

As a customer
So that I can verify that my order is correct
I would like to check that the total I have been given matches the sum of the various dishes in my order

As a customer
So that I am reassured that my order will be delivered on time
I would like to receive a text such as "Thank you! Your order was placed and will be delivered before 18:52" after I have ordered
  • Hints on functionality to implement:

    • Ensure you have a list of dishes with prices
    • Place the order by giving the list of dishes, their quantities and a number that should be the exact total. If the sum is not correct the method should raise an error, otherwise the customer is sent a text saying that the order was placed successfully and that it will be delivered 1 hour from now, e.g. "Thank you! Your order was placed and will be delivered before 18:52".
    • The text sending functionality should be implemented using Twilio API. You'll need to register for it. It’s free.
    • Use the twilio-ruby gem to access the API
    • Use the Gemfile to manage your gems
    • Make sure that your Takeaway is thoroughly tested and that you use mocks and/or stubs, as necessary to not to send texts when your tests are run
    • However, if your Takeaway is loaded into IRB and the order is placed, the text should actually be sent
    • Note that you can only send texts in the same country as you have your account. I.e. if you have a UK account you can only send to UK numbers.
  • Advanced! (have a go if you're feeling adventurous):

    • Implement the ability to place orders via text message.
  • A free account on Twilio will only allow you to send texts to "verified" numbers. Use your mobile phone number, don't worry about the customer's mobile phone.

  • Finally submit a pull request before Monday at 9am with your solution or partial solution. However much or little amount of code you wrote please please please submit a pull request before Monday at 9am

In code review we'll be hoping to see:

  • All tests passing
  • High Test coverage (>95% is good)
  • The code is elegant: every class has a clear responsibility, methods are short etc.

Reviewers will potentially be using this code review rubric. Referring to this rubric in advance will make the challenge somewhat easier. You should be the judge of how much challenge you want this weekend.

Notes on Test Coverage

You can see your test coverage when you run your tests.