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Game Development Book

If you have a strong interest in computer graphics, but suffer from no learning routes and materials,This Project will help you learn better

A Gift For Game Developers and scientists (Inspired by Milo Yip),If you Like This Project,Please give me a star,THK.

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Computer Science
  • CS Foundation
    • SICP
    • CSAPP
Programming Languages
  • C/C++
    • The C Programming Language(TCPL) 2nd Ed(1998)
    • C++ Primer(CPPP) 5th Ed(2012)
    • Effective C++ 3rd Ed(2005)->More Effective C++(1996)->Effective Mordern C++(2014)->Optimized C++(2016)
    • Exceptional C++(1999)->More Exceptional C++(2001)->Exceptional C++ Style(2004)->C++ Coding Standards(2004)
    • The C++ Standard Library 2nd Ed(2012)->Effective STL(2001)
    • C++ Concurrency in Action(2012)->The Boost C++ Libraries 2nd Ed(2014)
    • Advanced C++
      • Insied the C++ Object Model(1996)->Imperfect C++(2004)
      • C++ Templates(2002)->Modern C++ Design(2001)
      • Elements of Programming(2009)->From Mathematics the Generic Programming(2014)
  • C#
    • Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step 8th Ed(2015)
    • C# in Depth 3rd Ed(2013)
    • CLR via C#(2012)
  • Lua
    • Programming in Lua 4th Ed(2016)
    • Lua Programming(2008)
Mathematics for Game Programming
  • Beginning Mathematics for Game Programming
    • Foduations of Game Engine Development,VOL1:Mathematics(2016)
    • Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics 3rd Ed(2011)
    • 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development 2nd Ed(2011)
    • Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications 3rd Ed(2011)
  • Advanced Mathematics for Game Programming
    • Geometric Algebra for Computer Science(2007)
    • Geometrics Tools for Computer Science(2002) -> Computational Geometry 3rd Ed(2008)
    • Visualizing Quaternions(2006)
    • Div,Grad,Curl and All That 4th Ed(2004)
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