Super Duper Quacamole

*** Currently this is a training exercise ***

This project is a Telegram bot that uses AWS Lambda with Amazon RDS database and scheduled tasks for notifications and web scraping, written in TypeScript.

Project Structure

The project has the following structure:

  • .gitignore: This file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore.
  • config.default.json: This is a template for your configuration file. You should rename it to config.json and add your Amazon RDS connection details.
  • package.json: This file lists the dependencies and scripts for the project. It also includes metadata about the project like its name and version.
  • This file provides an overview of the project, including setup instructions, usage, testing, contributing, and licensing information.
  • serverless.yml: This file specifies the AWS Lambda functions to deploy and their settings.
  • src/: This directory contains the source code of the project.
    • bot.ts: This file initializes the bot and sets up command handlers.
    • config.ts: This file exports the configuration object that is used throughout the project.
    • controllers/: This directory contains the controllers that handle different bot commands.
    • database/: This directory sets up the connection to the Amazon RDS database.
    • tasks/: This directory contains tasks that the bot can perform, such as sending notifications and web scraping.
    • types/: This directory exports TypeScript types used in the project.
  • tests/: This directory contains tests for the bot, controllers, tasks, and database.
  • tsconfig.json: This file specifies the TypeScript compiler options and the files to include in the compilation.


  1. Install the dependencies by running npm install.
  2. Set up your Amazon account, add a user (in the IAM - Identity and Access Management section) and assign it a permission policy with the right permissions for Lambda deployment (see aws-deploy-user-policy.json as an example).
  3. Create an access key for this user and copy its key and secret in this line that you run locally in a terminal serverless config credentials --provider aws --key YOUR_ACCESS_KEY --secret YOUR_SECRET_KEY
  4. Copy config.default.yml to and add the connection details in that file.
  5. Create a Telegram bot, see these instructions and with sending BotFather the message /newbot. Follow the steps and add the API key of your bot to
  6. Deploy the AWS Lambda functions by running serverless deploy.
  7. Find the role the bot functions run under (found under Lambda > Functions > Your Function > Configuration > Execution Role) and make sure the attached policy includes S3 access. Or add customer inline policy, take aws-lambda-execution-policy.json as an example.


After setting up the bot, you can interact with it on Telegram. The bot responds to the following commands:

  • /start: Starts the bot.
  • /stop: Stops the bot.
  • /notify: Schedules a notification.
  • /scrape: Starts a web scraping task.


Run the tests by executing npm test.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.