
A Language Server implimentation for LogSeq

Primary LanguageGo

A LSP implementation for LogSeq flavored markdown

  • Attempts to improve the cli editing experience of markdown files that have log seq embed and queries by support hover, go to definition, and select references
  • If you have ideas for additional features please let me know :)


  • Download the release or build from source and copy the binary into your path. Then configure your lsp integration with the binary name.
  • Editor configuration examples:
    • In helix add this to ~/.config/helix/languages.toml
      •     [[language]]
            name = "markdown"
            scope = "source.md"
            injection-regex = "md|markdown"
            file-types = ["md", "markdown"]
            language-server = { command = "logseqlsp", args=["-t", "{your-token}", "-p", "{lsp-port}", "--log-file", "{/path/to/file}"] }
            indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = "  " }
    • In Emacs, add the following as your eglot config
      • (use-package eglot
          :ensure t
          (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '(markdown-mode . ("logseqlsp" "-t" "{your-token}" "--log-file" "{/path/to/file}")))
          (add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure))

Planned features

  • Support for code actions to do the following will be hit in the next pass
    • Rotate between todo, doing, done
    • Create page if it does not exist
  • Support for autocomplete on tags, properties, links will be added after code actions
  • Refactor/Rename page/tag/property might be possible
  • Tree Sitter syntax file may be added (help appreciated)
  • Virtual text for neovim will likely require an nvim plugin (help appreciate)