
C# implementation of something looking like Lisp idk, too lazy to read the wikipage about what LISP is

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Oh, no! LISP

C# implementation of something looking like Lisp idk, too lazy to read the wikipage about what LISP is.

It only supports commands add, mul, and print and integers as values.

So um, it has tokens, lexer, AST, parser, interpreter, and compiler to IL.

What it can

E. g. take this code:

var source = @"
        (mul 3 b)

Now let's create lexer for it:

var lexer = new OhnoLexer(source);

We can go over it with lexer.Eof and lexer.Next(), but we can just trust the parser:

var parser = new OhnoParser();
var ast = parser.Parse(lexer);

ast is of type INode which can be Command, Integer, or Variable.

Now we can run an interpreter of our AST passing in the values of arguments:

var interpreter = new OhnoInterpreter();
interpreter.Run(ast, new() { ["a"] = 5, ["b"] = 10 });

Or we can compile it to IL and run the delegate:

var compiler = new OhnoCompiler();
Func<int, int, int> func = compiler.Compile(ast, "a", "b");
func(5, 10);


Because how else would you spend an evening???

Wrote this thing in 1.5 hour, gotta get back to reading a book.