
repo for code and files related to the kaggle competition where we are trying to classify duplicated questions

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

kaggle_quora_dupes - journal of progress

Alright, so I really think that word embeddings are going to be what sets people apart in this competition, so that is what my focus has been on so far. I will then try to go back and fill in all the gaps with other manually generated features.


As of 5/1/2017, I've been focusing exclusively on train and the pre-trained 50-dim, 400k vocab, GloVe word vector. I'm really thinking I'll need to boost this up to the 300-dim and something million vocab version pretty soon. I want my pre-processing to be a bit more streamlined before adding a larger word vector to the mix, however.

Summary of current pre-processing steps:

  1. I first calculate the tf-idf of all of the words grouped by qid (question id) as the "document"
  2. I join the GloVe pre-trained vector values in for each word where there is a union match between GloVe words and the words in my docs
  3. I then use tf-idf as a weight to reduce the many word vectors down to a single document vector
    • I'm experimenting with tf-idf, tf-idf^2, all the way up to tf-idf^9, which really magnifies the weight of the higher tf-idf words
    • I'm using the weighted.mean() function with my transformed tf-idf values as the weights
  4. From there, I join the document vectors to their corresponding qid and compare them using text2vec sim2() function (and of course, a map() from purrr)
    • I have to compare qid1's tf-idf^2 and qid2's tf-idf^2, etc. for all of my various tf-idf transformation strategies
  5. The result of all of these comparisons is my set of features

I'm getting some decent separation between the is_duplicate classes, but there are a few issues as noted in the section below.

Summary of current issues:

  • common "question words" have a low tf_idf as they appear in almost every single question
    • this causes issues with question comparisons such as "Why do we cry" and "How do we cry"
      • clearly these questions have different semantic intentions, but the current tf-idf weight strategy is missing on these
    • resolution idea: I'm going to set the tf-idf value manually much higher than it is for these specific types of words, so we capture their semantic meaning
  • numbers are causing some huge issues, since we're tossing those out immediately. some questions are identical except for a numeric value swapped out for a different value.
  • incredibly obscure words and websites in questions that are repeated often (verbatim) except for the incredibly obscure word or website which is swapped out for a different obscure word/website
  • same issue as above, but for common entities that I believe we can easily recognize with some work