
C# client library for building Telegram bot

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


C# client library for building Telegram bot (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api)

Contains strongly-types request and response classes, and transport class for sending requests and receiving results.



var bot = new TelegramBot(accessToken);
var me = await bot.MakeRequestAsync(new GetMe());
if (me != null)
   Console.WriteLine("Me: {0} (@{1})", me.FirstName, me.Username);

See TelegramBotDemo project for more samples.

Version history

4.0.0 - Big update

Telegram API updated up to v2.3 (November 21, 2016). Message editing, games - everything should work except inline mode (see below).

Breaking changes (compared to 3.8.1):

  1. MakeRequestAsync now throws BotRequestException if non-Ok response is received from server.
  2. Typo fixed on Contact type: PhoneNumber was PhoneNumbet
  3. ReplyKeyboardHide renamed to ReplyKeyboardRemove (when it had been renamed in API???)
  4. Breaking changes in API 2.3:
    • Parameter EditMessage replaced with DisableEditMessage in SetGameScore
    • In ReplyKeyboardRemove: HideKeyboard renamed to RemoveKeyboard

Inline mode

Inline mode needs a lot of new classes to be created. Please make PR if you wish to help.

3.8.1 - .NET Core RTM, netstandard1.3

  • Upgraded to .NET Core 1.0.0 and netstandard1.3

3.7.50926 - API updates, proxy support

  • Changes in Telegram API defined as August 29, 2015 implemented (issue #19):
  • Added support for uploading certificates in SetWebhook
  • Changes in Telegram API defined as September 7, 2015 implemented (issue #20):
  • Added ParseMode field to SendMessage request for simple markdown markup (see FAQ for details)
  • Changes in Telegram API defined as September 18, 2015 implemented (issue #21):
  • Bots can now download files and media sent by users, use GetFile request and File object (run demo project and send him a picture!)
  • Proxy support added:
  • Use WebProxy property when creating bot (see issue #22 for sample)

3.6.50925 - Upgrade to vNext

Project converted to Visual Studio 2015 and new project type (xproj).

NuGet package now targets multiple runtimes: net45, dnx45, dnx50 and dnxcore50.

New demo console app added (TelegramBotDemo-vNext) for testing under dnx451 runtime. Old demo app ('classic' console project) also available, but Attention! Now it grabs package from nuget! (because old-style .csproj can't reference new .xproj assemblies directly).

3.5.50818 - API changes 'August 15, 2015'

Changes in Telegram API defined as August 15, 2015 implemented (issue #13).

All real changes were already implemented in 3.5.50816, only some documenation/comments are updated in this version.

3.5.50816 - API changes

  • Changes in Telegram API defined as July 2015 implemented (issue #7):
  • The Caption field has been removed from the Video object and added to the Message object instead.
  • Caption and Duration optional fields have been added to the SendVideo request.
  • UserId type in the Contact object changed to Long (was String - typo in API docs)
  • Changes, not [yet?] announced in Telegram API changlog:
  • Performer and Title optional fields have been added to Audio object
  • Duration, Performer and Title optional fields have been added to the SendAudio request
  • Object Voice added (to Message class)
  • SendVoice request added

3.4.50815 - Webhooks support, bugfixes

Improvements for working via webhooks:

  • SetWebhook request added (Issue #3)
  • DeserializeUpdate method added to convert webhook POST json value to Update object

Fixed issue #6 with sending files with non-latin characters in name.

3.3.50701 - DateTimeOffset instead of long

Message properties Date and ForwardDate are now DateTimeOffset (converted to local time).

3.2.50628 - With sending files

Methods for sending files (SendPhoto, SendVideo, etc) implemented.

3.1.50627 - Using HttpClient

Switched to HttpClient (instead of HttpRequest):

  • no more System.Web dependency;
  • MakeRequest method is now async only, use .Result or .Wait() for synchronous calls

2.1.50626 - Requests hierarchy

Refactored to new request model - base RequestBase class and one (and one async) MakeRequest method.

Major version increased to "2", patch version set to current date.

1.0.1 - Initial release

Response class hierarchy (Types), first requests. It works!