
This repository contains C programs related to Data Structures And Algorithms (Autumn 2021).

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains C programs related to Data Structures And Algorithms (Autumn 2021). The relevant sample input/output files have been included in the respective folders.

Assignments Included

  1. File Operations
  2. Tower of Hanoi (using Stacks)
  3. Merge Sort Algorithm
  4. Radix Sort Algorithm
  5. Binary Search Tree Implementation
  6. Finding Anagrams in a dictionary using Open Hashing
  7. Breadth First Search (BFS) of an Undirected Graph
  8. Topological Sort of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) using Depth First Search (DFS)
  9. MQ1
    • Implementing Circular Linked List (CLL)
    • Stack using Queue (using Singly Linked List, i.e., SLL)
    • Queue using Stack (using Singly Linked List, i.e., SLL)
  10. MQ2
    • Bellman-Ford Algorithm to find shortest distance (-ve weights included)
  11. EndSem
    • Dijkstra Algorithm to find shortest distance in a directed graph (only +ve weights)

Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems. —Sun Tzu, The Art of War