
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Visual Studio Code will be used as the IDE for this project, though most any text editor will work for reproducing it. The project has the following dependencies:

  • Git
  • Python 3 environment with the following packages installed:
    • Keras, Keras-RL, and Keras-Metrics; expansive open source library + addons for neural networks
    • TensorFlow; suite of open source deep learning libraries
    • OpenCV; open source image processing library
    • PyGame; game engine for Python
    • Numpy; scientific math and computing

Installing a Python distribution and creating the environment will be done through Anaconda. To automatically create a flappy environment preconfigured with the correct dependencies for this project:

  1. Download the requirements file environment.yml to a {path} on your system

  2. Edit environment.yml so prefix matches your Anaconda \envs path

  3. From Anaconda Prompt run:

    conda env create -f {path}\environment.yml


There are several widely available opensource codebases in existence that emulate Flappy Bird and provide all necessary assets. This project will utilize a popular clone FlapPy Bird, built in Python using pygame and available on GitHub under the MIT License , which provides all functionality and should require relatively little code modification to make it suitable for an RL agent.

  1. From a command terminal cd to the project directory and run:

    git clone https://github.com/sourabhv/FlapPyBird.git

  2. All graphics are located in the \assets folder

  3. The game can be launched by running flappy.py from your Python terminal

  4. The or Space keys are used to flap in lieu of tapping on the screen
