Software Engineering Mini-Project

Project Overview

This is university simple project for Software Engineering class. It uses the Turtle graphics library in Python to create a variety of drawings and interactive elements. It incorporates basic functionalities like drawing shapes, moving images, and changing colors based on keyboard inputs.


  • Python 3.x
  • Turtle graphics library
  • Keyboard library


Drawing Shapes

The project includes functions to draw various shapes and images using the Turtle graphics library. These functions use coordinates and scaling factors to position the shapes correctly.

Moving Images

Functions to move images along the x and y axes are provided. These functions update the coordinates of the shapes, allowing for dynamic positioning on the canvas.

Conditional Drawing

The project includes interactive elements controlled by keyboard inputs. Users can move the turtle, change colors, draw circles, and toggle fill options using specific keys.



  1. Ensure you have Python 3.x installed.
  2. Install the necessary libraries using pip:
pip install turtle keyboard

Running the Project

To run the project, execute the Python script. The turtle graphics window will open, and you can use the following keys to interact with the drawing:

  • W, A, S, D: Move the turtle up, left, down, and right respectively.
  • C: Change the drawing color.
  • F: Toggle circle fill mode.
  • 1: Draw a circle with the current settings.
  • Up Arrow: Increase the radius of the circle.
  • Down Arrow: Decrease the radius of the circle.
  • Space: Toggle the pen down (draw) or up (move without drawing).