
Pyrock is a sync and async wrapper for Mr Conos's Rock API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A wrapper for Mr. Conos's Rock API in Python. Supports both asynchronous and synchronous applications.

WARNING: This project is very young and probably does not work.


To install Pyrock, simply run the following pip command: pip install pyrock

If you want the versions straight from the master branch of GitHub, however, you can run the following pip command: pip install git+https://github.com/ConchDev/pyrock.git

Using Pyrock

import pyrock

client = pyrock.Client()

rock = client.get_rock("bedrock")


Using Pyrock is very simple. All you need to do is create a Pyrock Client instance and then get to it!

To use Pyrock with aio applications, simply change import pyrock to import pyrock.aio. Then be sure to await any methods marked as async.

import pyrock.aio as pyrock