
WIP! A simplified python 3 port of the ISLA-CBE method for feature embedding of fluorescence microscopy images.

MIT LicenseMIT

katachi [WIP!]

katachi is a small python 3 module that provides functions for converting fluorescence microscopy images into point clouds (using a method called ISLA) and then performing feature embedding (using a method called CBE) to extract a small but expressive set of numerical features that encode the fluorescence distribution of the original image .

This repo will host a simplified python 3 port of the original code written for the paper that first introduced ISLA-CBE; "An Image-Based Data-Driven Analysis of Cellular Architecture in a Developing Tissue" [Hartmann et al., 2020] (published in eLife). The implementation here will be geared toward reuse for other projects. If you are looking for the repository that ensures reproducibility of the paper's results, see here.

Current ETA for the port: Spring 2021 (appologies for pushing this back repeatedly; it will definitely get done but more urgent things have taken priority)