- 1
Conditional installation
#55 opened by Davidyz - 0
Use already installed tools
#58 opened by kociap - 1
- 3
Cannot see logs in headless mode
#53 opened by farzadmf - 1
configuration comments in README unclear
#51 opened by oalders - 1
- 3
Remove mason-lspconfig
#42 opened by smartinellimarco - 0
Cannot install from develop branch
#43 opened by ysomad - 4
The ensure_installed option does not work when using lazy.nvim with event='VeryLazy'
#39 opened by bcampolo - 1
FR: Indicate if `:MasonToolsUpdate` does nothing due to no update available
#36 opened by chrisgrieser - 4
- 1
run_on_start will not work on lazy loading
#37 opened by serranomorante - 1
Specifying old versions for jdtls is not working
#35 opened by zenoli - 5
FR: cleanup on startup
#33 opened by chrisgrieser - 0
Run on start mason
#32 opened by pauchiner - 6
callback args for MasonToolsUpdateCompleted
#29 opened by chuan137 - 3
- 10
What's the relationship between this plugin with williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim?
#3 opened by tristone13th - 0
Doing the checks and updates async
#27 opened by serhez - 10
Debounce for auto-update
#20 opened by xbc5 - 4
Trigger :Mason
#21 opened by tnxz - 1
[Bug] Python LSP Pyre
#23 opened by Pakrohk - 2
Not really updating anything
#22 opened by dagadbm - 3
Luarocks fails to install dependencies
#14 opened by beauwilliams - 1
golangci-lint: failed to install
#15 opened by beauwilliams - 4
Invalid key "data"
#11 opened by junkblocker - 5
Installation/Update complete event
#4 opened by kassio - 3
FR: Show reason for failing installation
#7 opened by glyh - 14
Plugin causing Neovim to start slowly
#2 opened by alisonjenkins - 2
Error with MasonToolsUpdate
#5 opened by kassio