A Neotest adapter for running Go tests.
- Supports all Neotest usage.
- Integrates with nvim-dap-go for debugging of tests using delve.
- Inline diagnostics.
- Works great with andythigpen/nvim-coverage for displaying coverage in the sign column (per-test basis).
- Monorepo support (detect, run and debug tests in sub-projects).
- Supports table tests (relies on treesitter AST detection).
- Supports nested test functions.
This Neotest adapter is under heavy development and considered beta. I'm, however, dogfooding myself with this project, as I use it daily as a full-time Go developer.
My next focus areas:
- Refactoring, polish and the addition of tests.
- Versioning and releases via release-please.
- Documentation around expanding new syntax support for table tests via AST parsing.
- Add debug logging, set up bug report form.
- Investigate ways to speed up test execution when running dir/file.
I've been using Neovim and Neotest with neotest-go but I have stumbled upon many problems which seems difficult to solve in the neotest-go codebase.
I have full respect for the time and efforts put in by the developer(s) of neotest-go. I do not aim in any way to diminish their needs or efforts.
However, I would like to see if, by building a Go adapter for Neotest from scratch, if I can mitigate the issues I have found with neotest-go.
- Test Output in JSON, making it difficult to read: neotest-go#52
- "Run nearest" runs all tests: neotest-go#83
- Running test suite doesn't work: neotest-go#89
- Diagnostics for table tests on the line of failure: neotest-go#75
- Support for Nested Subtests: neotest-go#74
- DAP support: neotest-go#12
- Test output is printed undesirably: neotest#391. This is currently mitigated in neotest-golang by reading the neotest-written test output file on disk, parsing it and then erasing its contents.
return {
dependencies = {
"fredrikaverpil/neotest-golang", -- Installation
config = function()
adapters = {
require("neotest-golang"), -- Registration
Argument | Default value | Description |
go_test_args |
{ "-v", "-race", "-count=1", "-timeout=60s" } |
Arguments to pass into go test . |
dap_go_enabled |
false |
Leverage leoluz/nvim-dap-go for debugging tests. |
dap_go_opts |
{} |
Options to pass into require("dap-go").setup() . |
local config = { -- Specify configuration
go_test_args = {
"-coverprofile=" .. vim.fn.getcwd() .. "/coverage.out",
adapters = {
require("neotest-golang")(config), -- Apply configuration
Note that the example above writes a coverage file. You can use andythigpen/nvim-coverage to show the coverage in Neovim.
To debug tests, make sure you depend on mfussenegger/nvim-dap, rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui and leoluz/nvim-dap-go.
Then set dap_go_enabled
to true
local config = { dap_go_enabled = true } -- Specify configuration
adapters = {
require("neotest-golang")(config), -- Apply configuration
Finally, set a keymap, like:
return {
keys = {
require("neotest").run.run({ suite = false, strategy = "dap" })
desc = "Debug nearest test",
Click to expand
return {
-- Neotest setup
event = "VeryLazy",
dependencies = {
dependencies = {
opts = {},
branch = "main",
opts = function(_, opts)
opts.adapters = opts.adapters or {}
opts.adapters["neotest-golang"] = {
go_test_args = {
"-coverprofile=" .. vim.fn.getcwd() .. "/coverage.out",
dap_go_enabled = true,
config = function(_, opts)
if opts.adapters then
local adapters = {}
for name, config in pairs(opts.adapters or {}) do
if type(name) == "number" then
if type(config) == "string" then
config = require(config)
adapters[#adapters + 1] = config
elseif config ~= false then
local adapter = require(name)
if type(config) == "table" and not vim.tbl_isempty(config) then
local meta = getmetatable(adapter)
if adapter.setup then
elseif meta and meta.__call then
error("Adapter " .. name .. " does not support setup")
adapters[#adapters + 1] = adapter
opts.adapters = adapters
keys = {
{ "<leader>ta", function() require("neotest").run.attach() end, desc = "[t]est [a]ttach" },
{ "<leader>tf", function() require("neotest").run.run(vim.fn.expand("%")) end, desc = "[t]est run [f]ile" },
{ "<leader>tA", function() require("neotest").run.run(vim.uv.cwd()) end, desc = "[t]est [A]ll files" },
{ "<leader>tS", function() require("neotest").run.run({ suite = true }) end, desc = "[t]est [S]uite" },
{ "<leader>tn", function() require("neotest").run.run() end, desc = "[t]est [n]earest" },
{ "<leader>tl", function() require("neotest").run.run_last() end, desc = "[t]est [l]ast" },
{ "<leader>ts", function() require("neotest").summary.toggle() end, desc = "[t]est [s]ummary" },
{ "<leader>to", function() require("neotest").output.open({ enter = true, auto_close = true }) end, desc = "[t]est [o]utput" },
{ "<leader>tO", function() require("neotest").output_panel.toggle() end, desc = "[t]est [O]utput panel" },
{ "<leader>tt", function() require("neotest").run.stop() end, desc = "[t]est [t]erminate" },
{ "<leader>td", function() require("neotest").run.run({ suite = false, strategy = "dap" }) end, desc = "Debug nearest test" },
-- DAP setup
event = "VeryLazy",
dependencies = {
dependencies = {
opts = {},
config = function(_, opts)
-- setup dap config by VsCode launch.json file
-- require("dap.ext.vscode").load_launchjs()
local dap = require("dap")
local dapui = require("dapui")
dap.listeners.after.event_initialized["dapui_config"] = function()
dap.listeners.before.event_terminated["dapui_config"] = function()
dap.listeners.before.event_exited["dapui_config"] = function()
keys = {
{ "<leader>du", function() require("dapui").toggle({}) end, desc = "[d]ap [u]i" },
{ "<leader>de", function() require("dapui").eval() end, desc = "[d]ap [e]val" },
opts = {},
opts = {},
keys = {
{"<leader>db", function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end, desc = "toggle [d]ebug [b]reakpoint" },
{"<leader>dB", function() require("dap").set_breakpoint(vim.fn.input("Breakpoint condition: ")) end, desc = "[d]ebug [B]reakpoint"},
{"<leader>dc", function() require("dap").continue() end, desc = "[d]ebug [c]ontinue (start here)" },
{"<leader>dC", function() require("dap").run_to_cursor() end, desc = "[d]ebug [C]ursor" },
{"<leader>dg", function() require("dap").goto_() end, desc = "[d]ebug [g]o to line" },
{"<leader>do", function() require("dap").step_over() end, desc = "[d]ebug step [o]ver" },
{"<leader>dO", function() require("dap").step_out() end, desc = "[d]ebug step [O]ut" },
{"<leader>di", function() require("dap").step_into() end, desc = "[d]ebug [i]nto" },
{"<leader>dj", function() require("dap").down() end, desc = "[d]ebug [j]ump down" },
{"<leader>dk", function() require("dap").up() end, desc = "[d]ebug [k]ump up" },
{"<leader>dl", function() require("dap").run_last() end, desc = "[d]ebug [l]ast" },
{"<leader>dp", function() require("dap").pause() end, desc = "[d]ebug [p]ause" },
{"<leader>dr", function() require("dap").repl.toggle() end, desc = "[d]ebug [r]epl" },
{"<leader>dR", function() require("dap").clear_breakpoints() end, desc = "[d]ebug [R]emove breakpoints" },
{"<leader>ds", function() require("dap").session() end, desc ="[d]ebug [s]ession" },
{"<leader>dt", function() require("dap").terminate() end, desc = "[d]ebug [t]erminate" },
{"<leader>dw", function() require("dap.ui.widgets").hover() end, desc = "[d]ebug [w]idgets" },
Improvement suggestion PRs to this repo are very much welcome, and I encourage you to begin in the discussions in case the change is not trivial.