
plenv plugin for getting and inspecting details of the distributions and modules installed.

Primary LanguagePerl


plenv-module-inspector - subcommands for plenv that provide inspection of modules and their details


  # list all core modules and their versions for the current Perl
  plenv list-core-modules

  # list all CPAN installed distributions and their versions for the 
  # current Perl
  plenv list-dists

  # list all CPAN installed modules and their versions
  plenv list-cpan-modules

  # list all CPAN installed modules, their versions, their distribution,
  # and the relative path to the file
  plenv list-cpan-modules -a

  # list all files installed by the given distribution/s. (by default
  # the listed files are relative to the current Perl's directory.)
  plenv list-files Moo 

  # list absolute paths to files installed by the given distribution/s
  plenv list-files -f Moo

  # upgrade all non-core dists for the currently selected Perl
  plenv upgrade-all-dists

  # upgrade all dists (including core); run tests before installing
  plenv upgrade-all-dists -c -t 

  # list all available Perl releases
  plenv list-perl-releases

  # list all available Perl releases, but suppress the update/install
  # of the CPAN::Perl::Releases module
  plenv list-perl-releases -n

  # list all the (possible) names for the distribution associated with
  # the given module
  plenv find-dist LWP


Adds several new subcommands to plenv that help with inspecting details of the modules that are installed in your current plenv environment.


plenv list-core-modules

List all the core modules for the currently selected Perl as well the version of each module.

This is roughly the equivalent to corelist -v $(plenv version-name).

plenv list-dists

Similar to the list-modules subcommand, but lists all the CPAN installed distributions for the currently selected Perl as well as the version of each distribution.

plenv list-cpan-modules

List all CPAN installed modules plus their versions.

plenv list-files

List all installed files for the given list of distributions.

plenv upgrade-all-dists

Upgrade all distributions for the currently selected Perl.

plenv list-perl-releases

List all available Perl releases.

plenv find-dist

Find the distribution name for a given module.


First, install plenv if you have not already done so.

Second, checkout plenv-module-inspector into your ~/.plenv/plugins.

$ git clone https://github.com/whoissethdaniel/plenv-module-inspector ~/.plenv/plugins/module-inspector

That's it!


Use Github issues: https://github.com/WhoIsSethDaniel/plenv-module-inspector/issues


Seth Daniel <perl @ sethdaniel.org>





None. Use it as you see fit.

If you change it please consider submitting a patch.