
Neovim plugin for toggling the LSP diagnostics.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


This plugin has been archived. There isn't much reason for this plugin anymore. Toggling the diagnostics for all buffers is made very simple by the current Lua API. e.g. what I currently use to toggle all diagnostics on/off is this:

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>td', function()
  vim.diagnostic.enable(not vim.diagnostic.is_enabled())
end, { silent = true, noremap = true })


A Neovim plugin for toggling the LSP diagnostics. Turn all diagnostics on/off or turn on/off individual features of diagnostics (virtual text, underline, signs, etc...).


Neovim >= 0.5.0


Install using your favorite plugin manager.

If you use vim-plug:

Plug 'WhoIsSethDaniel/toggle-lsp-diagnostics.nvim'

Or if you use Vim 8 style packages:

cd <plugin dir>
git clone https://github.com/WhoIsSethDaniel/toggle-lsp-diagnostics.nvim


Somwhere in your config you should have this:


If you are using Vimscript for configuration:

lua <<EOF

To preserve the current diagnostic configuration upon initializing this module you can do the following (assuming your Neovim is at least 0.7):

vim.diagnostic.config { ...some config... }

You can pass an initial configuration for each of the diagnostic settings:

require('toggle_lsp_diagnostics').init { underline = false, virtual_text = { prefix = 'XXX', spacing = 5 } }

The above turns off underlining by default and configures the virtual text with a prefix of 'XXX' and five spaces prior to the virtual text being printed. The complete list of settings may be found in lsp help page.

You can configure diagnostics so that they are off when you first start Neovim:

require('toggle_lsp_diagnostics').init { start_on = false }

Simply toggle them back on when you want to see them.


The toggling is currently done globally. When you turn off all diagnostics you do so for all buffers / clients both now and in the future. When you turn diagnostics back on the same applies.

You can change the default settings by passing a configuration to the init() method (see the 'Configuration' section above).


The following mappings are available.

<Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-underline) Toggle underlining diagnostic information.

<Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-signs) Toggle displaying signs in the sign column.

<Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-vtext) Toggle displaying virtual text in your code.

<Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-update_in_insert) Toggle updating diagnostic information while in insert mode.

<Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag) Toggle all diagnostics. Turn them all off / or back to what was passed to init().

<Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-default) Set all diagnostics to their default. The default is everything is on, unless other values were passed to init().

<Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-on) Turn all diagnostics on.

<Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-off) Turn all diagnostics off.

An example configuration:

nmap <leader>tlu <Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-underline)
nmap <leader>tls <Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-signs)
nmap <leader>tlv <Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-vtext)
nmap <leader>tlp <Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-update_in_insert)

nmap <leader>tld  <Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag)
nmap <leader>tldd <Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-default)
nmap <leader>tldo <Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-off)
nmap <leader>tldf <Plug>(toggle-lsp-diag-on)


The following commands are available:

:ToggleDiag Toggle ALL diagnostics on/off

:ToggleDiagDefault Toggle ALL diagnostics to their default

:ToggleDiagOn Turn ALL diagnostics on

:ToggleDiagOff Turn ALL diagnostics off