
This is me literally following the guide from the web-textbook Ray tracing in one weekend .

It was super easy and fun! I will soon add the resulting picture(i failed to do so:sob::sob::sob:).

It is here, sorry(((

Here is a picture of the balls after I added multithreading. Nothing changed. Wow.

Unfortunately this ray tracer is not even multithreading and is working on the CPU so it takes a shitload of time to render and not even in a window but to a ppm file.

Luckily I was persistent enough to make the code multithreaded! Now it works on 8 threads(I didn't bother to make it take up dynamical amount of threads) and it is significantly faster!
Before that the rendering took a long time(around an hour on my laptop) now on my pc it only took 380 seconds, which is only around 6 minutes... Now that I've written it out I realised that it is still way too slow... Anyway, hope to make it computed on the gpu soon so hopefully it will get better.

Besides I'm really looking forward for the next two books as I expect them to show how to render on screen and in realtime))