
My nodejs scripting template

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node scripting base

This repo is a starter template for basic Node.js/Typescript scripting needs

This repo requires:

  1. A Node.js version manager installed that respects .node-version. See fnm if you need one
  2. Yarn installed and available in shell, see install instructions here

Dev setup

First time setup

# Install deps
yarn install

# Initial precommit hooks
yarn hook-install

Then create scripts

Included packages

This repo assumes you'll be writing in TypeScript and includes some basic deps to make life easier

Helpful libraries

  • got - Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js
  • lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.

Development stuff

  • nodemon - Re-run executables after file change
  • eslint - Linter
  • prettier - Autoformatter
  • ts-node - Simple TypeScript execution directly for Node