This resource still needs testing and improving. It's not ready to use in production.
This content is not affiliated with alt:MP Team. Made with <3 for alt:V community!
Useful links
- Resource Version Control - Get a message to your server's console when a new update is out!
- Global and player-based messages
- Colored messages (HEX, RGB(A), CSS Color Codes)
- Icons (Foundation Icons)
- Gradient message background
- Commands handling
- Toggle-able chat box visibility
- Sent messages history (scrolling with Arrow Up/Down keys)
- Chat history with Page Up/Down keys
- Dynamic message length counter
- Built-in /help command
You can find all information on wiki page:
- There is some lag between events, you can see warning messages in server and client console:
Event handler at chat:file:///_/chat/server.mjs:5 was too long 16ms
Event handler at chat:client.mjs:65 was too long 21ms
- Sometimes chat doesn't show up after connecting to the server.