
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

I believe in the importance of free software and in open-source, which are two different things.

Free software is a driver of freedom. You can study its source, modify it, re-sell your own version of it, and so on.

Open-source is a driver of quality. You can study the source, see which algorithms are used, fix new bugs, contribute writing it, etc.

My Latest Work

My latest project is the XP Project Template which is an attempt at applying XP methodologies to GitHub Projects.


What's included in this template

  1. User Stories: we add the stuff from the POV of the end-users here -- automatically types them as "User Stories" upon adding new rows
  2. US size: in case we missed any size estimate, this view grabs anything that was not estimated
  3. Spike: any US that is of size uncertain
  4. Release Planning: sorting US by priority, converting them to issues and aggregating them to the milestones
  5. Iteration Planning: split up dev work into tasks, supporting each US that fits in 1 iteration
  6. Task size: in case we missed any size estimate on tasks
  7. Current Iteration: current iteration, table style
  8. Current Kanban: current iteration, Kanban style
  9. Current Roadmap: current iteration, roadmap style
  10. Unit Tests: a global view of all unit tests
  11. Acceptance Tests: a global view of all acceptance tests


Special thanks to:

Thanks to my sponsors:

Collaborating and hiring

I'm looking to collaborate on projects. 🙂

And if you're interested in hiring me, we can talk about it.

PS: I will make a website, I promise. It will be here: whoeza.github.io