
Collection of Rust learnings through implementation

Primary LanguageRust

Rust learnings


Smart pointers

Implementation of std::cell, std::cell::RefCell and std::rc::Rc.
This was done following a great Crust of Rust on Smart Pointers and Interior Mutability by Jon Gjengset (@jonhoo).

Project under smart-pointers.

Procedural macros workshop

Started working on this workshop for Rust Latam by David Tolnay (@dtolnay).
Also inspired by a long session on proc macros by Jon Gjengset (@jonhoo)!


Project under proc-macro-workshop.

Procedural macros playground

Toy repo to do some tests on proc macro syntax.

Project under proc-macro-playground.


Another great Crust of Rust.

Implementation of std::sync::mpsc::channel in eurostar/src/lib.rs.

This is a simple implementation of asynchronous/unbounded multi-producer single consumer (mpsc) channel using a VecDeque buffer, a Mutex and a Condvar behind an Arc.

Project under eurostar.