Code written for the blog post: and the article:
Example of use:
U = 10**3 + 9
n = 10**4
w1, wq, wu = int(.1 * U), int(.2 * U), int(.2 * U)
data = [set(random.sample(range(U), wu)) for _ in range(n-1)]
plant = random.sample(range(U), w1)
plant_point = set(plant + random.sample(range(U), wu-w1))
print(f'Generated {len(data)} data points')
query = set(plant + random.sample(range(U), wq-w1))
sm = Supermajority(U, wq/U, wu/U, w1/U, n, q_weight=1)
print('Building data structure')
print('Querying data structure')
best = 0, None
for point in sm.query(query):
inter = len(point & query)
if inter > best[0]:
best = (inter, point)
print(f'Best result was: {best}')