
automatically `set paste`

Primary LanguageVim Script


when we paste directly into vim, the content sometimes may get confused. This is something releated to the autoindent flag, vim will assume the paste content has been typed by the user, so it will indent each line, and cause the confused formating.

usually we have to type set paste manually to keep the format of the paste content, and set nopaste when done.
more detail message, please refer to Toggle auto-indenting for code paste.

so here comes autopaste, which will automatically set paste when we paste something.


call dein#add('Why8n/autopaste', {
            \'on_cmd': [


autopaste offers some cmomands to help you do the paste, you can configure like below:

" + is the register, you can replace to other registers
nnoremap <silent> <C-v> :PasteInNormalMode +<CR>
inoremap <silent> <C-v> <C-o>:PasteInInsertMode +<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <C-v> :<C-u>PasteInVisualMode +<CR>
" for command line paste
cnoremap <C-v> <C-r>+