enhanceOPM enables us to define our own text objects, and will automatically find the closest area distinguished by a text object.
it is similar to targets.vim, but with less power.
targets.vim is too flexible for me, and I personally believe that one line enhancement of vim's build-in operator-pending mappings is alreay enough.
- by dein.vim :
call dein#add('Why8n/enhanceOPM')
- by vim-plug
Plug 'Why8n/enhanceOPM'
by default, enhanceOPM supports charaters ()
, []
, <>
, {}
, *
, ,
you can define your own charaters like below:
" pair charaters
call enhanceOPM#EOPM('()')
" single charaters
call enhanceOPM#EOPM('@')
and now you can type di(
and other commands to see the effect.
notice: make sure current line contains charaters like (xxx)
and @xxx@
Advanced Usage
you can define your own text objects:
onoremap in) :<c-u>call enhanceOPM#AddTextObj('()','i')<CR>
onoremap ar* :<c-u>call enhanceOPM#AddTextObj('*','a')<CR>
now you can type din
or dar*
to see the results.
more detail usage, please refer to doc - enhanceOPM.txt