
This repo will help you get Ultraviolet running under GitHub Actions, with the power of localtunnel.me and Node.js and hardware better than repl.it

WARNING: This will only last for 2 hours (or maybe more if your lucky), don't complain please


To get this running, you will first need to fork my repository.

All you need to do is hit the Fork button to begin the fork process.


After that, to process the fork, hit the Create Fork button at the bottom (if not scrolled down)


Now, you can go to Actions by pressing the Actions button.


It will warn you that you should not run workflows on a forked repository, but in this case I have set everything up for you, so you can just go ahead and enable them.


Now, go to the Ultraviolet-Node section, click on Run Workflow, and run it, run it, run it!


You might need to refresh the page to see the Ultraviolet-Node workflow, but once you see it, make sure to click it.


Now that your in the workflow output, just wait a bit and you should see the link under the step tunnel and expose to web. It should look something like this.


localtunnel might give you a warning, due to that people can phish, and do naughty things with their tool, just go ahead and continue and you should be able to use Ultraviolet



Your now done with this, and you can now click the link to browse the web with Ultraviolet

You can contact me on discord with KingOfNetflix#7044, or you can post on the issues tab. Whatever suits you better.