Primary LanguagePHP


This is a documentation for the KAYO Wordpress plugin boilerplate.


We use the Illuminate Container component to manage our bindings. The container and the other bindings are registered inside the bootstrap/bootstrap.php, you can add your own bindings there or create a new file and require it.


Plugin configuration is stored inside the config/ folder, they are automatically loaded and every file must return a config array. The config format is filename.config_value.

// Example
$config = App\Application::get('config');
$plugin_prefix = $config->get('app.plugin_prefix', 'default_value');

// You can also use the `getConfig` helper function.
$plugin_prefix = $getConfig('app.plugin_prefix', 'default_value');


Routes are action triggered by the plugin and handled by a controller. A route file look like the following.

// config/routes.php

return [
        'action'        => 'plugin_dashboard',
        'controller'    => 'VideosController@dashboard',
        'capabilities'  => [
  • action: (required) action name, should be unique and will be used on the GET page parameter.
  • controller: (required) Class controller and method name. You can specify your controllers namespace inside the config/app.php controllersNamespace attribute.
  • capabilities: (optional) an array of Wordpress capabilities to guard the route.


// config/menus.php

return [
        'page_title'    => 'Wordpress reciepes manager',
        'menu_title'    => 'Wordpress reciepes manager',
        'capability'    => getConfig('app.menus_default_capability'),
        'menu_slug'     => getConfig('app.plugin_prefix'), // plugin prefix
        'function'      => 'wrm_execute',
        'icon_url'      => 'dashicons-format-video',
        'position'      => 2,
        'parent'        => 'menu_slug',

The array key are defined exactly like Wordpress and can be used the same way.

  • page_title: (required) Menu page title.
  • menu_title: (optional) Menu item text. The page_title value is used if not set.
  • capability: (optional) You can set a Wordpress capability, or used the one defined inside the app config value.
  • menu_slug: (optional) The request page attribute. Only required for the main menu. You can attach a menu directly to a route by using the actionToMenuSlug helper function and passing the route action name as a parameter.
  • function: (optional) If you want to manually handle a request, you can pass your function here.
  • icon_url: (optional) Icon URL.
  • position: (optional) Menu position.
  • parent: (optional) Add as a sub menu. You can use the actionToMenuSlug function insert the sub menu to a menu that uses a route.


Twig templating engine is registered by default and can be used as the following.

// src/Http/Controllers/VideosController.php

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Application;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;

class VideosController extends BaseController
    public function index()
        $twig = Application::get('twig');
        $videos = [];
        $responseContent = $twig->render('videos.twig.htm', ['videos' => $videos]);

        return $responseContent;

The views are stored inside the public/views folder, but you can change that inside the config/app.php - views_path attribute.