
Multi-dimensional Orthogonal Matching Pursuit core code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Multidimensional matching pursuit algorithm

How to install

You can install the latest version through pip

pip install git+https://github.com/WiSeCom-Lab/MOMP-core

How to use

You will first have to define the algorithm through three pieces: the algorithm structure, the projection step and the stop condition

algorithm = core(projection, stop)

Once the algorithm is defined you can simply pass the data you want to decompose to get the sparse decomposition index and values

I, alpha = algorithm(data)

Algorithm core

Found in MOMP.mp, the core indicating the workflow of the algorithm. It can either be MP for plain matching pursuit or OMP for orthogonal matching pursuit.

Projection step

Found in MOMP.proj, the projection step is the main innovation in MOMP, this one can be


OMP_proj(A, X) is the classic OMP projection step for the measurement matrix A and the dictionary X


MOMP_proj(A, X) is the MOMP projection step for the measurement matrix A and the dictionaries collection X

Stop criteria

Found in MOMP.stop, the stop criteria determines when to stop the algorithm run.


General(maxIter) determines the maximum number of algorithm iterations