
Experimental pure GDScript library implementing lambda expressions into Godot 3.x

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT



GDLambda is a small, pure GDScript library adding lambdas and basic functional programming features to Godot 3.

Most of these are already available in GDScript 2.0, but at the time of writing this Godot 4 is still not a stable release.


Copy addons/gdlambda directory into the addons directory of your project.


var lambda := gdl.lambda("func(x): return x*x*x")
print(lambda.execute(4)) # 64
var units := get_children()
units.sort_custom( # sort units by their initiative
    gdl.lambda("func(a, b): return a.initiative > b.initiative").as_funcref(),

See examples.gd.

Is it safe?

Generally yes. Just DON'T concatenate lambda source with any kind of user input. Doing so can be highly dangerous and allow cheating or remote code execution, which is a huge no no. Think of eval method from JavaScript. Godot's built-in Expression has a similar problem, when you want to "capture" its environment, although it can't access any built-in classes, only methods, variables and constants of a captured object (which can still cause some considerable issues, when implemented in a wrong way), whereas lambdas can access and instance any built-in class as well as singletons.

To be safe: If you want to have an access to any external variables ONLY pass them as arguments or capture them using Dictionary (see examples.gd) and NEVER insert any user-defined strings into lambda source (again, think of eval from JavaScript).

Is it production ready?

I don't know lol. I just wrote it for fun in a few hours and it turned out to be less confusing and error-prone than I initially imagined, so I added comments here and there and a few examples and made this repository. When Godot 4 is stable, this will be pretty much useless, but again, it's more of an experimental thing.
