
Basic API for a demo to-do list app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic API for a demo to-do list app

Allows you to create, view, update and delete todo list items.


All endpoints that deal with todo CRUD expect the authorisation header in the request along with the token. The format of the header should be: Authorization: Bearer <Your token>

To get a token, you must first register as a user:

  POST /register


  • username: A valid email address
  • password: A password of your choice

Sample response

  	"error": null,
  	"data": {
  		"user": {
  			"_id": "fiodjsf01903uj",
  			"todos": []
  		"token": "32910i392.9903i092i193i902i193i.3i201i039i12"


The login call is to be used to get the auth token.

  POST /login


  • username: A valid email address
  • password: A password of your choice

Sample Response

  	"error": null,
  	"data": {
  		"user": {
  			"_id": "fiodjsf01903uj",
  			"todos": []
  		"token": "32910i392.9903i092i193i902i193i.3i201i039i12"

Getting Todos

  GET /todos

Sample Response

  	error: null,
  	data: [
  		{ "_id": "43i9204i390jfdfj", "description": "Buy milk", "userID": "fod209fl" },
  		{ "_id": "43i9fid0fdfj", "description": "Pay bills", "userID": "fod209fl" }

Create Todos

  POST /todos/create


  •   `description`: The description of the todo item

Sample Response

  	"error": null,
  	"data": { "_id": "43i9204i390jfdfj", "description": "Buy milk", "userID": "fod209fl" }

Update Todo

  PATCH /todos/:todoID


  •   `description`: The udpdated description of the todo item

Sample Response

  	"error": null,
  	"data": { "_id": "43i9204i390jfdfj", "description": "Buy milk", "userID": "fod209fl" }

Delete Todo

  DELETE /todos/:todoID

Sample Response

  	"error": null,
  	"data": {
  		"message": "Deleted"