This is a full-stack application template utilizing the PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express.js, React, and Node.js). It provides a solid foundation for building modern web applications that require a powerful database backend along with a dynamic and responsive front end.
PostgreSQL Database: Utilize the power of PostgreSQL, a robust and scalable relational database, to manage and store your application's data.
Express.js Server: Build a fast and efficient server-side application using Express.js, a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework.
React Frontend: Create interactive and user-friendly interfaces with React, a popular JavaScript library for building modern UI components.
Node.js Backend: Leverage the event-driven, non-blocking I/O model of Node.js to handle server-side logic and API requests.
RESTful API: Implement a RESTful API architecture to handle communication between the client and server, ensuring a scalable and maintainable codebase.