Snaskii is a very simple ASCII snake game tributed to the classic arcades of the 80s. It was meant to be developed as a collaborative programming exercise in a course on Open Source Systems taught to undergraduate CS students.
If you have obtained the project source from the version control repository,
execute the script
$ ./
to boostrap the build configuration script configure
. To that end, you'll
need to have GNU Build System (Autotools) installed. In debian/ubuntu based
platforms, you may install required software with
$ sudo apt install automake autoconf libtool
On the other hand, if you have obtained the software form a distribution
repository, usually as a tarball, you should already have the script configure
Either way, locate the file in the root of source directory and execute it
$ ./configure
This script shall perform a series of tests to collect data about the build platform. If it complains about missing pieces of software, install them as needed.
For instance, you'll need libncurses
, which in debian/ubuntu may be
installed with
sudo apt install libncurses5-dev
Support for POSIX thread is also required.
Finally, build the software and install it with
$ make
$ make install
This should install the program under the system path. Usually the binary
will be placed in /usr/bin
, and data files in /usr/share
. Administrative
privileges (sudo) are required to write in those locations.
Optionally, if you wish to install the software under a different location,
for instance, in /tmp/foo
, execute
$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/foo
$ make
$ make install
This shall install the software locally, in this case in /tmp/foo/bin
and the data files in /tmp/share
For more detailed instructions, please, refer to file INSTALL
Usage: snaski [options]
-h Displays this information message
-d <path> Selects custom data path
The game takes place on a rectangular areana where a snake continuously move in one of the four directions: left, right, up and down --- it never stops. As the snake moves it looses energy and if all of it is exausted, the snake dies. To recover energy, the snake needs to eat pieces of food which are constantly replaced at random positions.
Be careful, though. The arena borders are electrified and would kill the snake if touched. Morover, mind that the snake is poisonous and it would also die if it accidently bites itself, i.e. if the snake's head crosses its own body (yes, this is weird for snakes, but this is a Tron Snake).
The game score is the count of eaten blocks until the game is over.
WASD to control the snake
+ decreases the game speed
- increases the game speed
q quits
r at anytime to restart the game
The game is incomplete and completing its implementation consists in the programming exercise you are invited to carry out.
If you accept the challenge please, do read the file
which contains important information.