
Installling Phalcon on a shared Dreamhost server

#Installing Phalcon on a shared Dreamhost server Here's a way to install the Phalcon PHP framework on a shared DH account by using a precompiled, DH-tailored Phalcon build. I will assume you know how to access the server via ssh and how to use basic terminal.


  1. A shared Dreamhost account with shell access
  2. A domain running PHP 5.6.x w/ FastCGI. The Phalcon builds I'm providing won't work with older versions of PHP, so in that case you'll need to upgrade or compile phalcon.so yourself.


  1. Login to your account via ssh

  2. Make sure you're in the home directory

    $ cd ~/
  3. Create a folder to put Phalcon into

    $ mkdir extensions
  4. Grab Phalcon. Replace __PHALCON_VERSION__ with the one you want, e.g. 2.0.0b3

    wget -O extensions/phalcon.so https://github.com/Widcket/dreamhost-phalcon-install/blob/master/__PHALCON_VERSION__/phalcon.so?raw=true
  5. Create a folder to put the phprc file into

    $ mkdir -p .php/5.6
  6. Create the phprc file

    $ nano .php/5.6/phprc
  7. Drop this line in. Replace __USERNAME__ with your actual username

    extension = /home/__USERNAME__/extensions/phalcon.so
  8. Save the file and exit (Ctrl+O then Ctrl+X)

  9. You're done! Check it with phpinfo()