
User submitted raids to Discord with Map-A-Droid.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Bot written in Python3.6 that downloads user-submitted images on Discord for Map-A-Droid.
If you prefer JavaScript or Telegram, Click here


How to use:

  1. Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/OfficialWiddin/MADBot_Python.git

  2. Install the requirements python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Copy config.ini.example and rename it to config.ini

    • Token:

      • Discord Developer Applications and click Create an application
      • Click on the Bot tab on the left side and then Add Bot.
      • Click on Copy under the TOKEN, paste into config.ini
    • Channel_id:

      • Open User settings on Discord.
      • Go Appearance and enable Developer Mode
      • Right click on the chosen channel and choose Copy ID, paste into config.ini
    • Screenshot_path:

      • Locate the screenshot folder within Map-A-Droid with the terminal, run pwd, paste into config.ini
  4. Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE in https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE&scope=bot&permissions=0 with your CLIENT ID which can be found on General Information tab on the application site. Then paste the link in your browser and select your server.

  5. Run the bot with python start_bot.py