
R code for the development of short-term predictions of E.coli and biotoxins in shellfish

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R code for the development of short-term predictions of E.coli and biotoxins in shellfish

Please find here the R code for the development of short-term predictions of E.coli and biotoxins in shellfish as used within the publication: Schmidt et al., 2018. "A generic approach for the development of short-term predictions of Escherichia coli and biotoxins in shellfish". Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10:173-185. https://doi.org/10.3354/aei00265

This work was carried out as part of the UK Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBRSC) and UK National Environmental Research Council (NERC) funded ‘ShellEye’ project (BB/M026698/1).

Part of the code is based on the work by Jez Smith & Rob Thomas (www.eco-explore.co.uk) and you are kindly asked if you use this R code, please cite it as below.

authors: Schmidt, W., Smith, J. and Thomas, R.
title: "R code for the development of short-term predictions of E.coli and biotoxins in shellfish"
version: 1.0
date-released: 2019-03-19