
Automatically detect and setup language servers available on your system.

Primary LanguageLuaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Automatically detect and setup language servers available on your system.

  1. Have auto-lsp.nvim installed and setup.
  2. Have language servers installed, using any method you prefer.
  3. lspconfig[server].setup() is called automatically for each server.

As simple as that! Enjoy the fully automated integration with language servers.

How It Works

Docs WIP.


Docs WIP.


  dependencies = { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" },
  event = "VeryLazy",
  opts = {},
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'WieeRd/auto-lsp.nvim'
lua require("auto-lsp").setup()


setup() optionally takes a key-value table of server name and server config.

Each config value can either:

  • A server configuration table, passed to each server's :h lspconfig-setup.
  • A function that returns such table.
  • A boolean value, force-enabling or disabling the server.
  -- '*' is a special key defining the "global config" applied to every server.
  -- Each per-server config will be merged with this table using `vim.tbl_deep_extend()`.
  -- One use case of this key would be applying extended capabilities from nvim-cmp.
  ["*"] = function()
    return {
      capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities(),

  -- Override the default settings of LuaLS.
  -- Passed to `lspconfig["lua_ls"].setup(config)` as the config.
  -- https://luals.github.io/wiki/configuration/#neovim
  -- https://luals.github.io/wiki/settings/
  ["lua_ls"] = {
    settings = {
      Lua = {
        completion = { showWord = "Disable" },
        hint = {
          enable = true,
          setType = true,
          arrayIndex = "Disable",

  -- Skip the availability check and always setup Pyright.
  -- See `# Limitations` for the reasons why you might need to do this.
  ["pyright"] = true,

  -- Do not setup Rust Analyzer even if the executable is found in the $PATH.
  -- Useful if using `rustaceanvim` and don't want to setup RA via lspconfig.
  ["rust_analyzer"] = false,

  -- Servers not specified in this table will be automatically setup
  -- with default configurations if their executable is available.


You can inspect and control some of the internals of the plugin using :AutoLsp.

:AutoLsp info

See the list of checked filetypes and servers.

:AutoLsp mappings

Open the generated server mappings file in a new window.

:AutoLsp build

Clear the cache and regenerate the server mappings.

:AutoLsp refresh

Each server is checked only once per session for its availability. This command will recheck to detect new servers installed after Neovim was launched. FocusGained and TermLeave event will automatically trigger a refresh, so you don't normally need to run this manually.