This is a simple Windows 11 application that shows an indicator in the system tray displaying the current virtual desktop number. It does not work on Windows 10 due to Microsoft changing the registry keys.
I beleive it also requires at least the first Windows 11 feature update due to Microsoft changing the registry location for the values once again.
The application maxes out at 10 virtual desktops since anything more than 1 digit is difficult to show nicely in the tray icon. Desktop 10 is shown as '0' and Anything past that displays an '*'. If you use more than 10 virtual desktops I think you might have a workflow problem to address.
The application monitors the registry for changes to your virtual desktops and then updates the notification icon with the desktop number. It uses events to wait for registry changes so there is no activity in the background unless you change desktops. It uses very little memory and virtually no CPU.
There is no installer for this application since it is a single Windows executable. Just put it wherever you want it and run it. Or you can create a shortcut to it and place that in your shell:startup folder.
There are 3 icon types to choose from.
- No command line options will give you black numbers on a white background.
- Passing the option --dark will show white numbers on a black background
- And thanks to Lisa Jackson --blue will give you very nicely styled white on blue icons
If you are just downloading the release executable you will need the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable if you don't have it already. You can check if you already have it by just running the application. If you don't have the runtime a dialog will pop up telling you that it is missing. If that happens the runtime can be downloaded directly from here or navigate to and select the x64 download.
If you want to build it you need to make sure you have Visual Studio 2022 with the CMake tools installed. Otherwise, you can download cmake and the Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 to use another IDE (e.g. Visual Studio Code).