This repo contains the source + firmware + PCB design for the WICCON 2023 Badge ( (not the SAO)
The Folder PCB contains the main badge and the addon, created with KiCad.
- 4 WS2812B on the front. (made a mistake they are adressed counter clockwise)
- 1 MODE button on the front to switch LED effects
- 2 6 pin female connecter to attach the addon board (Cat and moon)
- 1 SAO v1.69 (Shitty Addon) (
PIN Description 3.3v Positive power supply GND Ground SCL Not connected (sorry) SDA Not connected (sorry) GPI12 General-purpose pin GPI13 General-purpose pin
- ESP8622
- Powerswitch
- Reset button
- Flash button
- Batterybox
- stepdown converter (3.6-4.5v) to 3.3v
- couple of capacitor for WS2812B and stepdown converter
- 1 resistor
- lots of test pads so you can reuse the badge for other projects
The badge has been designed to be reused for your project. The test pads can be used to solder anything to it and you can flash the ESP.
You can use all the pads/pins except for (because i orderd the wrong ESP.....):
- GPIO09
- GPIO10
The following pins need are "special":
- GPIO00 pull to ground on boot to flash the ESP (or press flash button)
- GPIO15 is pulled to ground through a 10k resistor otherwise the ESP wont boot.
Flashing your own firmware, connect UART to tx/rx gnd power the device by battery or external 3.3v power. Hold the flash button, then press reset, release the flash button. Now you can flash your own firmware with, arduino ide or what ever you want.
There are 2 addon boards for WICCON 2023, for guests (black cat and moon) and orga (purple moon, silver cat)
If you have any questions please drop me a message: