
This is a CRUD Api developed in MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a CRUD Api for tasks developed with MongoDB, Node.js and Express

¿How to use?

First you need to change the database link in server.js


then you type in the console npm start to start the server

Functionalities (Recommendation: use Postman to test the API)

  1. The first thing you need to do is to post a new User so that you can use the app using your username


  1. You can check all posted tasks with this route


  1. You can check a specific task with this route (Using the task id)


  1. You can post a task using this route (You need to add the respective JSON in the body; Check the task model in the code to see which fields are required and which ones are not)


  1. You can delete a task using this route (You need to add the task id)

image You can repeat the second functionality to get all the tasks and check if it was sucesfully deleted

  1. You can update a task using this route (You need to add the task id in the request parameters and add in the body the respective changes)

image You can repeat the second functionality to get all the tasks and check if it was sucesfully updated

If you have any questions you can contact me on Alexhdzcontacto@gmail.com