
A wiki book defining a 5 star ratings feature




  • Template:RatingWidget - displays rating widget
  • Template:RatingWidgetAutoedit - renders a single star with an autoedit link
  • Template:Rating - stores rating data in the Rating namespace
  • Template:GetUserRating - utility, fetches user rating
  • Template:GetAverageRating - fetches average page rating
  • Template:GetVotesCount - fetches votes count
  • Template:GetPageID - utility, fetches page id
  • Form:Rating - processing form
  • Property:Rating subject - stores related rating page
  • Property:Rating user - stores user rated a page
  • Property:Rating value - stores rating value

Import via PagePort

Import pages contents respectively to their namespaces, or use PagePort extension for easier importing:

git clone https://github.com/WikiTeq/mediawiki-ratings.git ~/mediawiki-ratings
cd /mediawiki
php extensions/PagePort/maintenance/importPages.php --source ~/mediawiki-ratings

Import via PageExchange

Import page contents as a package using PageExchange extension:

  • Make sure you have the PageExchange extension installed
  • Add the following line to the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file: $wgPageExchangePackageFiles[] = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WikiTeq/mediawiki-ratings/master/page-exchange.json';
  • Navigate to Special:Packages
  • Hit Install on the package card
  • run php maintenance/runJobs.php

Usage example

The simplest use case is to add a {{RatingWidget}} template call to a page. This will render a 5 star rating widget allowing users to vote for the page rating. Once votes the template will create a Rating:1234/USERNAME page with vote information stored there.

Properties stored are:

  • Subject - page the vote relates to
  • Rating - a number 1 to 5, the vote value
  • User - the username of the user voted

The RatingWidget template has optional parameters:

  • {{RatingWidget}} - simply renders a voting widget for the current page on the current page
  • {{RatingWidget|readonly}} - renders a windget for the current page in a readonly mode ( eg.: if you need to display page rating within providing ability to vote )
  • {{RatingWidget|readonly|AnotherPage}} - same as above, but display the rating of AnotherPage title

see RatingExamples page for details