

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wikia/ad-products is deprecated

Code has been merged to Wikia/ad-engine and it is avaialable as a submodule.




npm install github:Wikia/ad-products#semver:^4.2.0 --save

Usage (ES6)

Required files

Add listed files to your build step:

  • src/styles/styles.scss

Register template loader plugin in AdEngine

import { AdEngine, templateService } from '@wikia/ad-engine';
import { FloatingRail } from '@wikia/ad-products';

templateService.register(FloatingRail, {
	startOffset: -15

// Configure and run your ad-engine
// ...
// new AdEngine(customContext).init();
// ...

Call template from DFP creative

top.loadCustomAd && top.loadCustomAd({
	type: 'floatingRail',
	// ...

Available templates

Big Fancy Ad Above

Name: bfaa

Default config:

	"desktopNavbarWrapperSelector": ".wds-global-navigation-wrapper",
	"handleNavbar": false,
	"mobileNavbarWrapperSelector": ".global-navigation-mobile-wrapper",
	"slotSibling": ".topic-header",
	"slotsToEnable": [


  • desktopNavbarWrapperSelector - desktop navbar DOM selector
  • handleNavbar - decides whether template should adjust navbar
  • mobileNavbarWrapperSelector - mobile navbar DOM selector
  • slotSibling - DOM sibling element next to BFAA slot
  • slotsToEnable - decides which slots should be enabled on Fan Takeover load

Template parameters:

  • player
  • slotName
  • src
  • uap
  • lineItemId
  • creativeId
  • backgroundColor
  • autoPlay
  • resolvedStateAutoplay
  • videoTriggers
  • videoPlaceholderElement
  • splitLayoutVideoPosition
  • image1
  • image2
  • aspectRatio
  • resolvedStateAspectRatio
  • videoAspectRatio
  • loadMedrecFromBTF
  • moatTracking

Big Fancy Ad Below

Name: bfab

Template parameters:

Check Big Fancy Ad Above.

Floating rail

Name: floatingRail

Default config:

	"enabled": true,
	"railSelector": "#rail",
	"wrapperSelector": "#rail-wrapper",
	"startOffset": 0


  • enabled - decides whether template is usable
  • railSelector - element which is going to have position: fixed
  • wrapperSelector - rail wrapper
  • startOffset - decides when rail starts floating

Template parameters:

  • offset - how long (in px) rail is going to be fixed

Creative usage:

top.loadCustomAd && top.loadCustomAd({
	type: 'floatingRail',
	offset: 500

Example pages

Before you open an example page please run below command in order to build local js and css files.

npm install
npm run build


In order to keep files updated on example pages use below command:

npm run watch

Lint all files

npm run lint

Developing ad-products and ad-engine together

Use npm link

  1. Checkout both repositiories
  2. Go to ad-engine directory and type npm link
  3. Go to ad-products directory and type npm link @wikia/ad-engine

From now changes in ad-engine repo will be visible on ad-products demo pages.

Publish new version

⚠️ Make sure you're using latest version of node/npm (preferably node@9.x.x and npm@5.x.x)

  1. Use your regular workflow. Push changes to branch, test them and create pull request to dev.
  2. Switch to dev branch once you merge all changes and pull new changes from github
  3. Bump version (remember to follow Semantic Versioning)
npm version patch

This command runs preversion script which:

  • run all tests
  • lint all files
  • build dist directory with output files for "client's" repositories
  • adds built files to commited version
  1. Push changes to github
git push --follow-tags